意大利盧索服裝學(xué)院 中國招生指南|2018

Accademia del Lusso is the School of Fashion & Design in Italy specialised in training key professional figures in Fashion Modeling, Fashion Design, Fashion Brand Management and Fashion Styling. Our main school site is located in the core area of Milan fashion district on Via Montenapoleone.

KNOW OUR PROFESSORS | 認(rèn)識(shí)我們的教授


After graduating in Fashion Design in 1993, Barbara Sordi began to work in Fashion. Since then, she has been working as a fashion designer and illustrator for many Italian and international style offices and clothing companies such as: Tamigi, Enrica Massei, Marina Spadafora, Maurizio Baldassari, Mulberry, Siport, Miroglio Vestebene, Coin, La Rinascente, Eric Way, Musani, Lafayette 148, and Castor. Barbara Sordi has matured significant experience within womenswear design (regular and plus collections) and knitwear design. She also has a strong background in trend forecasting (trends, textile view, Pantone), illustration and journalism (Vogue Encyclo, Focus). She joined the teaching staff of Accademia del Lusso in 2008 as tutor of Fashion Design, Collection Planning, Merchandising and History of Fashion. In 2015 she took over as Head of the Teaching Staff in Milan.

1993年畢業(yè)于時(shí)尚設(shè)計(jì)專業(yè),芭芭拉·索爾迪就開始了在時(shí)尚領(lǐng)域的職業(yè)生涯。從那時(shí)起,她在許多意大利和國際造型公司擔(dān)任過時(shí)尚設(shè)計(jì)師和插畫師,比如Tamigi, Enrica Massei, Marina Spadafora, Maurizio Baldassari, Mulberry, Siport, Miroflio Vestebene, Coin, La Rinascente, Eric Way, Musani, Lafayette 148和Castor。芭芭拉.索爾迪在女裝(普通系列及特典)和針織品設(shè)計(jì)方面尤其經(jīng)驗(yàn)豐富。另外她在時(shí)尚趨勢(shì)預(yù)測(cè)(趨勢(shì)、紡織材料、顏色)、插畫、時(shí)尚刊物(Vogue Encyclo、 Focus)方面也有工作背景。2008年她加入了盧索服裝學(xué)院的教師隊(duì)伍,主要教授時(shí)尚設(shè)計(jì)、時(shí)尚系列策劃、銷售、時(shí)尚史課程。2015年起擔(dān)任米蘭校區(qū)教學(xué)主任。



Following his experiences in education and teaching, for over 15 years Stefano Sacchi has been involved in planning, production processes, marketing, merchandising, licensing, and co-branding. He was formally the CEO of Giuliano Fujiwara, an international brand associated with the Camera della Moda Italiana (National Chamber for Italian Fashion), where he personally followed the brand repositioning through a Heritage marketing strategy, and today he is a sales and marketing consultant for various brands in Italy and abroad. Passionate about art and design, he is co-author with Andrea Balconi of ‘Modaterapia’ (Salani, 2013), and with Paolo Lucci of ‘Brand Jamming’ (FrancoAngeli, 2014) and the more recent ‘Fashion Puzzle’ (FrancoAngeli, 2015).

除了教學(xué),史戴法諾.薩奇在策劃、生產(chǎn)、市場(chǎng)、銷售、授權(quán)和品牌合作領(lǐng)域有超過十五年的從業(yè)經(jīng)驗(yàn)。他也是意大利時(shí)尚商會(huì)旗下Giuliano Fujiwara這一國際品牌的前任執(zhí)行總裁,在此期間他參與了傳統(tǒng)營(yíng)銷策略下的品牌重新定位,今天他仍然是許多意大利和國外企業(yè)的市場(chǎng)顧問。他對(duì)藝術(shù)和設(shè)計(jì)十分熱愛,并與安德烈.巴克尼聯(lián)合寫作了《時(shí)尚療法》(Salani出版社,2013),與保羅.露奇聯(lián)合寫作了《品牌障礙》(FrancoAngeli出版社,2014)和他們的最新作品《時(shí)尚之謎》(FrancoAngeli出版社,2015)。

“My experience at Accademia del Lusso is definitely a positive one. There’s an atmosphere that’s distinctly modern and international, where professionalism and experimentation on the field are perfectly balanced, allowing students to be given not only a theoretical approach, but allowing them to discover occasions that give them an immediate practical response through seminars, visits, workweeks and more. Besides the courses in Fashion Buying and Visual Merchandising, I’ve also taught Master’s Course students (both the Italian and English-taught Master’s) on subjects that are specific to their academic pathway (Licensing, Branding, and Marketing Techniques).”




From the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region of Italy, a classical education in foreign languages and literatures. Once he’s finished his studies in London and returned to Italy, he moves from Udine to Milan to start a professional career in the world of fashion. First a switchboard operator and next an assistant, he then becomes a booker at one of the most important modeling agencies in the world, The Fashion Model Management, where he gets in contact not only with the world of casting and scouting but also, and especially, with the world of photography, publishing, and producing. Once he’s matured experience within the world of modeling agencies, he goes freelance and becomes a consultant for the companies he’s previously worked for, both acquiring new clients in video and photo production and in event organisation, and as a personal image consultant.

來自意大利弗留利 - 威尼斯朱利亞地區(qū),這里以外國文學(xué)和語言教學(xué)而聞名。從倫敦畢業(yè)后他回到意大利,從烏迪內(nèi)搬到米蘭,開始了他在時(shí)尚界的職業(yè)生涯。從電話接線員開始,做過助理,然后成為了國際著名模特公司的模特預(yù)約人,在模特管理行業(yè),他不僅與表演和星探圈建立了聯(lián)系,還與攝影、出版、制片行業(yè)密切接觸。在模特管理界積攢了豐富經(jīng)驗(yàn)后,他以自由職業(yè)者的身份為之前的公司做顧問,并在影視制作方面結(jié)交了新客戶,他同時(shí)也是一位私人形象顧問。

His professional career path is interwoven with many important names, working with international celebrities within prestigious contexts such as the Sanremo Music Festival and the Venice International Film Festival, both in Italy and abroad. In 2014 he enters the world of journalism as a columnist and Fashion Editor for various publications. Following a series of TV appearances from 2010-2014, in 2015 he lands on Raiuno (Italy’s most watched national television channel), where he alternates chat and commenting with international guests with full makeovers. Among his collaborations as a consultant he creates press campaigns, calatogues, lookbooks etc. for a large quantity of businesses (Bugatti, Hydrogen, Michael Coal, Alviero Martini and many others). At the same time as working as a stylist and consultant, in 2014 he’s given the teaching post for Fashion Styling and Image Consulting at Accademia del Lusso Milan.

他的職業(yè)生涯與許多重要的名字相關(guān)聯(lián),比如國際著名的慶典活動(dòng):圣桑勒莫音樂節(jié)和威尼斯國際電影節(jié),在意大利或國外他都參與其中。2014年他以專欄作家和時(shí)尚編輯的身份進(jìn)入記者行業(yè)。在2010年到2014年間他多次參與電視臺(tái)錄制,在2015年他又作客RAI 意大利國家電視臺(tái)第1頻道,與國際嘉賓就美容和外觀提升進(jìn)行訪談。在他做顧問的合作企業(yè)中,他為許多公司(Bugatti、Hydrogen、 Michael Coal、Alviero Martini等)創(chuàng)辦了新聞辦公室、編輯了產(chǎn)品目錄和月刊雜志。作為造型師和形象顧問,自2014年開始他成為了盧索服裝學(xué)院的一名老師,負(fù)責(zé)教授時(shí)尚造型和形象顧問課程。




AFIA模特認(rèn)證體系是針對(duì)亞洲模特的骨骼條件,結(jié)合國際時(shí)尚領(lǐng)域職業(yè)模特的規(guī)范和慣例,在亞洲地區(qū)執(zhí)行的職業(yè)模特資質(zhì)分級(jí)檢定...... 詳情

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