安吉麗娜朱莉 野性十足電影作品達(dá)78部

家庭:父親是著名演員、奧斯卡獲獎(jiǎng)?wù)邌獭し鹨撂兀↗on Voight),母親瑪奇琳·伯特蘭德(Marcheline Bertrand)。2歲時(shí)父母離婚,從此改名Angelina Jolie

    安吉麗娜·朱莉 Angelina Jolie的電影作品(數(shù)量:78)

    The Changeling ------- (2008)

    Atlas Shrugged ------- (2008)

    功夫熊貓 Kung Fu Panda ------- (2008)

    通緝犯 Wanted ------- (2008)

    堅(jiān)強(qiáng)的心 A Mighty Heart ------- (2007)

    貝奧武甫:北海的詛咒/貝奧武夫/貝沃武甫 Beowulf ------- (2007)

    Live from the Red Carpet: The 2007 Golden Globe Awards ------- (2007)

    Penélope, camino a los Oscar ------- (2007)

    Larry King Live: The Greatest Interviews ------- (2007)

    Confessions of an Action Star ------- (2007)

    Forbes Celebrity 100: Who Made Bank? ------- (2006)

    VH1 News Presents: Hollywood Secrets Revealed - Scenes They     Don't Want You to See ------- (2006)

    Domestic Violence: Shooting Mr. & Mrs. Smith ------- (2006)

    特務(wù)風(fēng)云/牧羊人/好牧人 The Good Shepherd ------- (2006)

    "Space Top 10 Countdown" Video Game Movies ------- (2006)

    史密斯夫婦/史密斯行動(dòng)/史密夫決戰(zhàn)史密妻 Mr. & Mrs. Smith ------- (2005)

    A Fishified World ------- (2005)

    MTV & Logo Present 'The Out 100' ------- (2005)

    Star Fish of 'Shark Tale' ------- (2005)

    Stars on Trial ------- (2005)

    Brave New World ------- (2005)

    The Death of 'Alexander' ------- (2005)

    Sledge: The Untold Story ------- (2005)

    52 Most Irresistible Women ------- (2004)

    On the Set of 'Alexander' ------- (2004)

    101 Biggest Celebrity Oops ------- (2004)

    Shark Tale: Gettin' Fishy with It ------- (2004)

    The Fever ------- (2004)

    鯊魚故事/沙膽大話王/鯊魚黑幫/鯊魚總動(dòng)員 Shark Tale ------- (2004)

    亞歷山大大帝/亞歷山大帝 Alexander ------- (2004)

    天空上尉與明日世界/空軍上校和未來世界/空軍上尉與明日世界 Sky     Captain and the World of Tomorrow ------- (2004)

    "Biography" Val Kilmer ------- (2004)

    The Flying Legion Air Combat Challenge ------- (2004)

    第76屆奧斯卡金像獎(jiǎng)?lì)C獎(jiǎng)典禮 The 76th Annual Academy Awards ------- (2004)

    Premiere Women in Hollywood Awards ------- (2004)

    機(jī)動(dòng)殺人 Taking Lives ------- (2004)

    古墓麗影2生命之匙/古墓奇兵2 Lara Croft Tomb Raider: The Cradle of Life ------- (2003)

    超越邊界/緣起烽火蔓延時(shí) Beyond Borders ------- (2003)

    101 Most Shocking Moments in Entertainment ------- (2003)

    Celebrity Naked Ambition ------- (2003)

    "What's Going On?" ------- (2003)

    貿(mào)易婦女 Trading Women ------- (2003)

    The Orange British Academy Film Awards ------- (2003)

    "Banzai" ------- (2003)

    "Secrets of Superstar Fitness" ------- (2002)

    The 59th Annual Golden Globe Awards ------- (2002)

    所謂人生/天算不如人算/命運(yùn)倒數(shù)/改命情緣 Life or Something Like It ------- (2002)

    古墓麗影/古墓奇兵/盜墓者羅拉 Lara Croft: Tomb Raider ------- (2001)

    原罪/枕邊陷阱/激情叛侶 Original Sin ------- (2001)

    Lara Croft: Lethal and Loaded ------- (2001)

    第73屆奧斯卡金像獎(jiǎng)?lì)C獎(jiǎng)典禮 The 73rd Annual Academy Awards ------- (2001)

    6th Annual Screen Actors Guild Awards ------- (2000)

    第72屆奧斯卡金像獎(jiǎng)?lì)C獎(jiǎng)典禮 The 72nd Annual Academy Awards ------- (2000)

    The 57th Annual Golden Globe Awards ------- (2000)

    2000 Blockbuster Entertainment Awards ------- (2000)

    急速60秒/驚天動(dòng)地60秒/極速60秒/疾速60秒 Gone in Sixty Seconds ------- (2000)

    移魂女郎/斷了線的女孩/女生向前走/被禁錮的女孩 Girl, Interrupted ------- (1999)

    5th Annual Screen Actors Guild Awards ------- (1999)

    The Making of 'Girl, Interrupted' ------- (1999)

    人骨拼圖/神秘拼圖/集骨者/骨中罪 The Bone Collector ------- (1999)

    AFI's 100 Years... 100 Stars ------- (1999)

    空中塞車 Pushing Tin ------- (1999)

    隨心所欲/從心所愛 Playing by Heart ------- (1998)

    地獄兄弟/絕命捍衛(wèi)戰(zhàn) Hell's Kitchen ------- (1998)

    吉亞/霓裳情挑 Gia ------- (1998)

    洛城疑云 Playing God ------- (1997)

    風(fēng)云傳奇 George Wallace ------- (1997)

    True Women ------- (1997)

    Mojave Moon ------- (1996)

    Love Is All There Is ------- (1996)

    惡女幫/怒火赤子心 Foxfire ------- (1996)

    黑客 Hackers ------- (1995)

    證據(jù)拼圖 Without Evidence ------- (1995)

    "HBO First Look" ------- (1994)

    Alice & Viril ------- (1993)

    Angela & Viril ------- (1993)

    無影終結(jié)者 Cyborg 2 ------- (1993)

    樸克誤我卅年 Lookin' to Get Out ------- (1982)


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